
Die Presse published Dr. Scheuwimmer's commentary on the turn of the year.

Die Presse, Wiener Zeitung, and RechtExtrajournal.Net published an article on the re-election of Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia (04/2022) . published an article about the audition for the Juristenball 2023.

Die Presse, Brücke, Wiener Zeitung and RechtExtrajournal.Net reported on the office opening party of TAIYO Legal.

Die Presse, Wiener Zeitung and RechtExtrajournal.Net reported on the summer festival 2022 of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Interview of Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Anwältinnenblatt (05/2022) .

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia (03/2022) .

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia (02/2022) .

TAIYO Legal's advice on Hyundai Transys' expansion into Austria was published in Die Presse, Wiener Zeitung, Extrajournal.Net, and .

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia (01/2022) .

The press releases regarding the cancellation of the Juristenball 2022 were published under Die Presse, Wiener Zeitung (print/online), HEUTE, Österreich, and .

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia (02/2021) .

Die Presse reported on TAIYO Legal's deal for Tsuchiya Corporation.

Die Republik (a publishing supplement of the Wiener Zeitung) features an interview with Dr. Scheuwimmer about lawyers in public service.

Dr. Scheuwimmer’s new online publication “Am I breaking duties of care?” is now available under .

Die Presse reported on TAIYO Legal's contribution for Anritsu Corporation.

RechtExtrajournal.Net reported on the summer festival of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia (edition 01/2021) is published.

Dr. Scheuwimmer contributed to an article by Mag. Ingo Dieter Joham in Wiener Zeitung .

Die Presse featured Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Die Presse , Wiener Zeitung and Extrajournal.Net featured TAIYO Legal advising Anritsu Corporation on the corporate restructuring in Europe.

Die Republik (a publishing supplement of the Wiener Zeitung) featured Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association. featured Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

anwalt aktuell featured Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia .

Die Presse featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president.

ORF reported on the Juristenball 2020 in the Seitenblicke.

Österreich featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president.

RechtExtrajournal.Net featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president.

Heute featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president.

Wiener Zeitung featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president. featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president. featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president. featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the presidential election of Juristenverband, where Dr. Scheuwimmer was elected president.

Wiener Zeitung published the article of Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the investments from third countries

Die Presse featured TAIYO Legal advising the expansion of a Chinese HVAC manufacturer in Europe.

Editorial by Dr. Scheuwimmer is published on Nova et Varia .

The book „Erfolgreiche Kanzleigründung für Rechtsanwälte (Successful law firm foundation)“ from Mag. Wolfgang Dibiasi is available. Dr. Scheuwimmer was engaged in the production of the book as Mag. Dibiasi 's discussion partner. interviewed Dr. Scheuwimmer about his professional life.

Die Presse featured TAIYO Legal advising the expansion of a Japanese investment fund in Europe.

The Diplomatische Pressedienst, which is a publishing platform for various diplomatic news covered Juristenball 2020 and Dr. Scheuwimmer.

The Austrian publishing platform News featured Dr. Scheuwimmer regarding the Juristenball 2020 together with Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M., and Dr. Danielle Spera.

In the Japanese Radio station Rainbow town FM , Ms. Makiko Krone featured Dr. Scheuwimmer as President of the Lawyers' Association.

Dr. Scheuwimmer was interviewed by the Radio Orange 94.0 on current topics of the legal professions.

Die Presse featured TAIYO Legal in “Deal of the Week” regarding the global corporate restructuring of the Japanese construction company Tsuchiya.

An article about the Juristenball 2020 on Seitenblicke.

An article about the Juristenball 2020, and a picture of Dr. Scheuwimmer with Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M., and Dr. Brigitte Bierlein in the Wiener Bezirkszeitung.

An article about the Juristenball 2020, and a picture of Dr. Scheuwimmer with Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M., and Dr. Brigitte Bierlein in the Kronen Zeitung.

An article about the Juristenball 2020 in the Österreich.

An article about the Juristenball 2020, and a picture of Dr. Scheuwimmer with Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M., and Dr. Brigitte Bierlein in the Österreich.

ORF-interview featuring Dr. Scheuwimmer at the Juristenball 2020.

Oe24 featured an interview with Dr. Scheuwimmer at the Juristenball 2020. interviewed Dr. Scheuwimmer about his professional life.

An article about the Juristenverband, and the quote of Dr. Scheuwimmer’s remark in Die Presse.

An article about the visit of the ball committee at the Elmayer Dance School before the Juristenball 2020 on Kurier.

Oe24 featured an interview with Dr. Scheuwimmer about the Juristenball 2020.

Nova et Varia veröffentlichte eine Titelgeschichte über den Juristenball 2020 (cover page, Renaissance, the Golden Twenties).

An article about the Juristenball 2020 on Ball Deluxe.

An article about the Juristenball 2020 on Kurier.

An article about the Juristenball 2020 on Kronen Zeitung.

The Chinese newspaper Euro Weekly featured the China seminar at the Vienna Business Agency, in which Dr. Scheuwimmer participated.

The ORF-interview with Dr. Scheuwimmer at a photo shooting in the Looshaus.

A case discussion of Dr. Scheuwimmer on the ruling of the Supreme Court for Civil Matters regarding cash- pooling is published in the “Bankarchiv" .

The ORF reported on publisher Linde's new brand identity with a short interview by Dr. Scheuwimmer.

Die Presse reports on the new brand identity of the publisher Linde including an interview with Dr. Scheuwimmer.

The Kurier reported about the Juristenball and the motto "the golden twenties" of the upcoming ball.

On the occasion of the 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria, Dr. Scheuwimmer was interviewed by Ö1 .

The famous TV-Show Matsuko no Shiranai Sekai (マツコの知らない世界) on TBS reported about balls in Vienna.

Leadersnet reported on Nicolas Cage at the first Lawyers' Ball with Dr. Scheuwimmer as President of the Lawyers' Association.

The ORF reported on the Juristenball 2019 with a short interview with Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Wirtschaftsanwälte reported on the election of Dr. Scheuwimmer as president of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Die Presse reported on the rescue of the Juristenball 2019 by the appointment of Dr. Scheuwimmer as curator of the Austrian Lawyers Association.

Case discussion on Intercession according to § 25c KSchG by providing a bank guarantee in ecolex.

Case discussion on Limitation period for recovery of wrongfuly accused guarantee amounts in ecolex.

The Wiener Zeitung published an article by Dr. Scheuwimmer on the PRIIP-Regulation.

Institutional Money published a contribution by Dr. Scheuwimmer to the ELTIF.

The Wiener Zeitung reported on the practical obstacles for East Asian investors in Austria including an interview by Dr. Scheuwimmer.

The industry magazine juve reported on the acquisition of the real estate group at DLA Piper Vienna by Dr. Scheuwimmer.

Die Presse reported on the SFTR including an interview by Dr. Scheuwimmer.

Recht Extrajournal reported on the appointment of Dr Scheuwimmer as Counsel at DLA Piper.

Memo about Deposit Refund through collateralisation in ecolex.

Case discussion on Quality about the book entry in the
Security assignment
in ecolex.

The journal of the Austrian Lawyers Association Nova et Varia published an article by Dr. Scheuwimmer on the importance of law in Japan.

Die Brücke, the journal of the Austrian Japanese Society, reported on a lecture about Japanese law by Dr. Scheuwimmer.

The association magazine JusAlumni reported on Dr. Scheuwimmer as the youngest associate who passed the lawyer examination.

Dr. Scheuwimmer publishes an article on the preparation for the lawyer examination in the association's journal Nova et Varia.

Die Presse reported on Dr. Scheuwimmer and J-Law.

An article about the Alternative Means of Financing for companies and a comment of Dr. Scheuwimmer in Börsen Kurier.

An article about the Fondstaxonomiedschungel and a comment of Dr. Scheuwimmer on Bö

An article about the loft conversions in Vienna and a comment of Dr. Scheuwimmer in tax + law news.

The association magazine JusAlumni reported on the granting of a Sales Manager Academy scholarship to Dr. Scheuwimmer.
